black&red_2022 (18x24 on butcher paper)

 black&red_2022 (18x24 on card stock)

                one breath…  

                                                                  ichi;  one         kokyu;   breath

Ichi means ‘one’ in Japanese.  Ichi in sumi-e is a Japanese calligraphic representation made up of one horizontal stroke of a brush on paper.  Sumi-e is associated with Zen aesthetics embodying simplicity and the oneness of being in the moment.

The symbol of ichi in sumi-e has a particular significance in Zen Buddhism as ichi-go ichi-e meaning ‘one time, one meeting.’  This concept is primarily linked to tea master Sen no Rikyu.  It is also linked to many Japanese martial arts, the noh theatre as well as haiku.  This idea of ichi in sumi-e is practiced in ‘one breath’ embodying the space that this stroke constitutes. 

black&red_2012 (18x12 on butcher paper)

black&red_2022 (18x24 on canvas)

black&red_2022 (18x24 on butcher papaer)

black&red_2022 (18x24 on butcher paper)

black&red_2022 (18x24 on canvas)

black&red_1981 (38x44 on canvas)